This option is not available to attendees who join through mobile devices.
You can enable the microphone or microphone and webcam only when you are provided by a host/presenter. To obtain the microphone/webcam,
- Click on the raise hand button in the bottom left of the chat panel
- Once you are granted the permissions, you will see the following dialog box

- You will also see the microphone/webcam panel (PODIUM) at the mid-bottom section

- Enabling the Devices - once enabled, you will see the device button changes the color to aqua
- Only the default devices will be enabled. You must have configured the devices in your operating system settings
- If you wish to enable the microphone only, click on the microphone
- If you wish to enable the webcam later, you can click on the webcam
- If you directly wish to enable the webcam with a microphone, click right-away on the webcam
- Turning the devices off
- If you enable only the mic, click on the mic back. This takes away the podium from you
- If you enable the webcam right away, clicking the webcam stops the webcam but the mic stays. You have to click both devices when finished
- If you reload while mic or both devices enabled, you will lose the podium (if reload takes more than 5 seconds
- If you disconnect, the podium is revoked
If you are a Firefox user, you must allow browser permissions and click Remember!(Allow and Remember).
If you are planning to enable webcam, be sure the background and dress are appropriate.