The eCurtain allows one to hide the stage while the Admins and Presenters coordinate the presentation.

With the eCurtain, you can:
  • Hide the stage (visibility of media modules) and audio inside the room from attendees (learn more).
  • Mute the presenters microphones from attendees but keep the room visible.
  • Test all the modules without letting attendees know.
  • Do a rehearsal.
  • Play background music with music player (learn more) while eCurtain is down.
  • Allow users to mute the background music.
  • Display a countdown timer over the eCurtain to signify event start time.


To activate or "lower" the eCurtain click on Tools  and then eCurtain.

To "raise" the eCurtain click the yellow button in the upper left corner that reads eCurtain is down  (visible only to moderators/presenters).

In the Admin Page > Modify Room Settings, you can customize the message displayed on top of the eCurtain.
eCurtain is visible only to attendees. Below is how an attendee see the eCurtain.