No Internet Connection

Please check the following troubleshooting steps if are having internet connection issues:

  1. You will see the error message below if you are getting internet connection issues:
  2. Please check your internet connection: If you have an unstable connection, either through wireless or even wired connections, the experience may be degraded. Please make sure that your connection is stable, above all else, as a more stable connection will ensure proper data transmission and a better experience.
  3. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP): Please check if there are any outages in the area or any other reasons why you do not have internet.
  4. Check your Anti Virus Software/Firewall Security Settings: Sometimes, your anti-virus software or firewall may be set to be very stringent regarding access to the network.
  5. Run our network diagnostic tool available here to find out more.

Please take note of the following:



  • DSL connections
  • Cable Connections
  • Fiber Connections


  • Dial-up under any mode

Not Recommended

  • Satellite Internet: High network latency makes this service unusable for live applications, and performance can degrade due to weather conditions.
  • A poor or weak wireless internet (Wi-Fi) signal may be inconsistent and cause poor performance.