The current version of our iPad/iPhone app is 4.7. For a list of features you can visit here.

The latest version of the app is designed not to lose sound during a presentation or event. If you are experiencing sound loss, there are some things you can do to help pin point the issue or resolve it.

  • Make Sure your Apple software is up to date.
  • Make sure the volume is turned up and works for other things, like the music.
  • Connect and stay connected to a good Wi-Fi network with a strong signal.
  • If the sound is lost, check to see if those who are connected to a computer with a wired connection can still hear. Perhaps the loss of audio is on the Presenters end.
  • Make sure the battery is strong and not depleted or near depletion.
  • The iOS app is not designed to be played in the background, and for the best possible experience, keep the app active at all times during a webinar.
  • Try powering off and powering on your device. To do this:

  1. Press and hold the sleep button (circled in blue).
  2. Wait for the screen to go black and receive the message on top "slide to power off".
  3. Move the red arrow button with your finger all the way to the right to turn it off.
  4. Press and hold the sleep button (circled in blue) to turn back on.
  1. Press and hold the home button (circled in red) and sleep button (circled in blue).
  2. When the screen goes completely black it's off.
  3. Press and hold the sleep button (circled in blue) to turn it back on.

Also check this KB article:

Sound cuts off when mobile app runs in the background