If you find that your webcam feed is choppy, here are some reasons and possible troubleshooting steps you can follow to improve performance and general viewing experience for all participants. 

Network Issues

If you are the one showing your webcam and you notice that the video feed is generally choppy, then one possible cause is your low or unstable Upload speed to our servers. However, if one or just a part of your viewers is experiencing the issue, then it is likely that their individual internet connection speed and/or stability is the root cause.

In any case, we recommend using a wired internet connection as opposed to WiFi to avoid any possible internet stability issues and to improve general viewing experience for attendees.

So what troubleshooting steps should I take?

Other than switching to a wired network connection, here are some helpful troubleshooting steps:

1. Quickly reload the webinar interface.

  • Click on the red X with a circle button, found on the upper-right hand corner of the webinar room. 

  • A pop up selection window will appear. Select Reload this webinar in your browser

2. Old browser cache and Flash Player cookies may come into play affecting your webcam feed.

  • Click here to learn how to clear your web browser cache. 
  • Click here to know about clearing your Flash Player cookies. 

3. You can also try using other browsers. Supported browsers for Organizers and Presenters are as follows:

     For Mac 

  • Safari
  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox 

     For Windows 

  • Edge (for Windows 10)
  • Internet Explorer
  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox 

4. Close other running or background applications in your computer to free up your system resources. Even if your computer hardware may be the top-of-the-line, running several applications, browsers and other software along with your Webinato room with live webcam feed may consume more processor resources, meaning your computer will run much slower than normal.

5. Live transmission of video requires dedicated internet bandwidth for the streaming to be smooth and seamless. In general, if you are the Organizer or Presenter streaming the webcam to the room, we recommend you to have at least 1 Mbps Upload speed dedicated to be used by the Webinato platform alone.

To know more about the End User Bandwidth Requirements when using live webcam feed, please click here

To learn more about how to correctly Configure and Use Webcam in your webinar room, please click here.