Cannot login to a webinar or web event due to the following reasons:

  • Bad/Forgotten Password
  • No Account Present
  • Other account related errors

If you are unable to access the webinar or web event due to any of the reasons described above, please refer to the following directions:

Please note that our support staff cannot give out passwords or other event/room access information. For that, you MUST contact your webinar content provider using contact information in your confirmation email or other correspondence.

  • Please direct all password related requests to the webinar host; Webinato Customer Support is unable to provide you login credentials. Contact information for the webinar host is usually given in the login error message, or found in your registration confirmation email.
  • If you get an error message telling you that your password is not correct, be sure you typed it correctly. All passwords are case-sensitive. (Note: Be sure your caps-lock key is not accidentally engaged)
  • If you received a password in an email, you may have accidentally copied some spaces or extra characters when trying to highlight your password. (Note: We do not recommend the copy/paste method when it comes to passwords)
  • If you are a Presenter or Organizer and have a Webinato account, you can reset your password by clicking on the 'Forgot your password?' link, located below the password field box on the login page. THIS WILL NOT WORK FOR MOST ATTENDEES, as they will have to contact the webinar host for login information, as stated above.

If you continue to have problems logging in, and you are sure that the problem does not involve your username or password being incorrect, please click below to access other Knowledge Base articles regarding room access: